Unity Centre Windtown
The Unity Centre is a Community Centre located in Dunloe Park, Windtown, Navan. It provides affordable community space for groups and organisations in Navan and surrounding areas.
The Centre contains a number of multi-purpose rooms ranging in size from 14.7m² to 68.5m² which can be used for various activities, training or meetings.
The Centre is also equipped with a Kitchen suitable for teaching, an IT Training Room and Wifi is available throughout the building.
Currently the Unity Centre hosts a wide range of groups including
- youth clubs,
- training courses,
- computer training courses,
- parenting courses, and
- various support groups.
The Unity Centre provides free meeting space for Residents Associations and room hire rates for other groups are very competitive.
To find out more please contact the Centre on 046 9031557 or e-mail unitycentre@meathcoco.ie
Hirers and Centre Service Users are required to;
- Comply with Windtown Unity Centre COVID-19 arrangements including arriving, attendance and existing the facility.
- Comply with Government, HSE and relevant guidance from National Governing Bodies.
- Designated person including their contact details are made known to the Centre Staff.
- Record the number of attendees to ensure maximum occupancy is not exceeded.
- Attendance register and contact details established for contact tracing purposes.
We thank members of the public and centre users in advance for their cooperation with staff in implementing these arrangements.