Drinking Water Quality

Public and private water supply quality and information, water protection and frequently asked questions pertaining to water quality.

‘Drinking water’, is water used for human consumption whether for drinking, use in the preparation of food, making ice, making drinks with water and brushing teeth.  Drinking water comes from different sources including groundwater ( e.g. boreholes or springs) and surface water ( e.g. lakes, rivers). All water is treated to make it safe to drink. 

Since 1 January 2014, responsibility for public water supplies has transferred from local authorities to Irish Water, the new national water services authority. Local authorities will continue to operate public water supplies on behalf of Irish Water. 

Irish Water is responsible for monitoring the quality of the public water.  Meath County Council on behalf of Irish Water undertakes monitoring of all public supplies in Meath. Local authorities are responsible for the monitoring of private regulated water supply in their areas. Currently both public and private regulated water supplies are tested by Meath County Council to make sure that the water is safe to drink.

All drinking water must comply with “The European Communities (Drinking Water) Regulations, 2014 (S.I No. 122)” which set standards for 48 individual microbiological, chemical and indicator parameters.

Meath County Council carries out regular monitoring of public water supplies and private regulated water supplies in accordance with the Regulations.  These monitoring results are submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency and are published in the EPA Annual Report on Drinking Water Quality.

To find out more information on drinking water quality results in County Meath, for Public Water Supplies, please click on the following link: Irish Water - Water Quality

Information about drinking water quality and the different types of water supplies can be found below.

Business Water Customers

Uisce Éireann can provide further information on the quality of your drinking water supply.  Business customers should be aware, however, that the internal plumbing arrangements within the site and their possible effect on drinking water quality is wholly the responsibility of the owner. 

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Private Group Water Supplies

A private group water scheme is one where the entire water supply (including the source, treatment plant and distribution network) is owned by a group of community trustees.

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Private Regulated Water Supplies

If your water supply is from a private source i.e. borehole or river, and supplies over 50 persons on average or has a commercial or public interest this is deemed a Private Regulated Water Supply.  

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Private Water Supplies

If your water supply is from a private source e.g. well or borehole and supplies an individual's house, this is known as a private supply and you are responsible for monitoring the quality of your own supply. 

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