Private Group Water Supplies

Private Group Water Supplies

A private group water scheme is one where the entire water supply (including the source, treatment plant and distribution network) is owned by a group of community trustees.

These are commonly members of the National Federation of Group Water Schemes.

Meath County Council monitor all private group water schemes supplies in Meath.  In the case of private group water supplies, the Meath County Council is the supervisory authority. They have the same role that the EPA has for public supplies. If a private water supply falls below the Drinking Water Regulations standards, the local authority notifies the trustees of the scheme. The trustees must submit an action programme to the local authority which will address the problem within a certain timescale. The local authority has legal enforcement powers if appropriate action is not taken.

For all regulated private group water supplies, the HSE is informed if there is a potential danger to human health and agrees remedial actions with the local authority for the protection of public health.

There are two Private Group Water Supplies in County Meath namely:

  • Kiltale Private Group Water Scheme
  • Meath Hill Private Group Water Scheme

These Private Group Water Supplies are registered with Meath County Council as private regulated water supplies.

For the year 2016 all of the Private Group Water Supplies in County Meath were 100% compliant with the Drinking Water Regulations for both microbiological and chemical parameters.

To find out more visit Online Private Regulated Water Quality Information System.

You can find out more about this by calling or emailing Meath County Council Environment and Water Services