Class Novels

Class novels may be borrowed for 1st to 6th class pupils. This service is part of our dedicated Primary Schools Service

Class Novels

Meath Library Service Class Novel Brochure CoverWe have a broad range of recommended reads for 1st to 6th class with approximately 30 copies in each set.

Schools may borrow two sets at a time.

The loan period is 6 weeks.

Class novels are for use in the classroom only.

See the full set of titles in the Class Novels Brochure.

To reserve a set of Class Novels please complete the Class Novels Reservation Form

Small Group Class Novels

Small Group Class Novels Flyer


Up to 10 copies of a variety of titles are available for small or mixed age classes or for paired reading.

Schools may borrow a number of titles at a time. 

For a full list of titles please email 

Small Group Class Novel List