Trailer Licenses

It is a legal requirement that heavy goods trailers are licensed. A heavy goods trailer is a trailer with a Gross Vehicle Design Weight in excess of 3,500kg

Brexit Implications

EU type-approval is the process applied by national authorities to certify that a model of a vehicle meets all EU safety, environmental and conformity of production requirements before allowing it to be placed on the EU market. Type-approval authorities (TAAs) European Member States (including Ireland) can grant EU vehicle type-approval under the European Framework Regulation (EU) 2018/858. All EU Member States recognise the activities of each other’s EU TAAs.

Following the UK departure from the EU in January 2021, the Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) is no longer an authorised EU TAA and accordingly no longer has the competence to type-approve vehicles under Regulation (EU) 2018/858.

Manufacturer’s who had obtained EU type-approvals from the VCA had to apply to transfer approvals to an EU-27 issued type-approval before the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020. This included products already in production to ensure continued compliance with EU law. No transfer of approvals was possible after the end of the transition period.

In addition please note that if the trailer was previously registered in the UK and had the benefit of an Individual Vehicle Approval (IVA), whilst the UK – including Northern Ireland was still a member of the EU, the trailer can continue to be used in Ireland provided that an application for a trailer licence is processed and issued by the appropriate Licensing Authority, and as part of that of that process the applicant would need to submit documentary evidence regarding proof of previous registration in the UK – including Northern Ireland and the IVA issued (to include date of issue). However, as a member of the EU-27, Ireland is not permitted to mutually recognise IVAs from third countries and IVA type-approvals for trailers registered from 1 January 2021 are not recognised.

First Licensing / Registration of a Heavy Goods Trailer Manufactured on or after 29th October 2012

To license any of the trailers in these categories:

  • Complete (single stage built) trailer manufactured on or after the 29th of October 2012
  • Completed (multistage built) trailer manufactured on or after the 29th of October 2013
  • Special purpose trailer manufactured on or after the 29th of October 2014

the trailer owner must present the following documentation to the motor taxation office:

  • Form TF100 which contains the name and address of the trailer owner and certain characteristics of trailer (e.g. chassis number)
  • Form TF300A which is a weight identification certificate.
  • Type Approval Certificate
  • Fee of €60.00

Type Approval Certificate Exemptions


First Licensing in Ireland of a Heavy Goods Trailer previously licensed or registered in another EU Member State

To license a Heavy Goods Trailer previously licensed or registered in another EU Member State,

the trailer owner must present the following to the motor taxation office:

  • Form TF100 which contains the name and address of the trailer owner and certain characteristics of trailer (e.g. chassis number)
  • Form TF300A which is a weight identification certificate.
  • A copy of the type approval certificate, OR if the trailer owner is unable to produce the type approval certificate, they must supply evidence of previous registration or licensing in another Member State. This  evidence must demonstrate compliance with the provisions of Annexes I and II to Directive 1999/37/EC on the registration documents for vehicles (EU harmonised registration certificate)  OR for Member States which have not adopted Directive 1999/37/EC, a letter is required, confirming the trailer was previously registered or licensed in their jurisdiction.

         This letter must:

         - be in English or Irish

         - be on the headed paper of the relevant national authority confirming compliance,

         - confirm that the trailer had entered the register of the relevant authority, and

         - contain at least the following information: chassis number (VIN), type of trailer and the contact details for the relevant  national authority.

          The original form of these documents must be delivered to the motor tax office (so please ensure you make a copy for your records

  • A Fee of €60.00 is required.


First Licensing of Trailers Manufactured Prior to 29th October, 2012

In order to first license a heavy goods trailer (trailer with a Gross Vehicle Design Weight in excess of 3,500kg) where the trailer is a:

  • Trailer manufactured prior to the 29th October 2012
  • Completed (multistage built) trailer manufactured prior to the 29th of October 2013. A completed trailer means a trailer which has been manufactured in more than one stage (i.e. by more than one manufacturer). An example of this would be a manufacturer who imports an incomplete trailer chassis and assembles a body so that the completed trailer requires no further work and is in a finished condition.
  • Special purpose trailer manufactured prior to 29th October 2014. A Special Purpose vehicle is defined in Directive 2007/46/EC as a vehicle “having specific technical features in order to perform a function which requires special arrangements and/or equipment”.

          These are trailers which, because of their technical features, cannot meet the technical requirements of the Directives specified in Annex IV of Directive 2007/46/EC.

          In order for a manufacturer to declare that a trailer is special purpose the manufacturer should first consult with the NSAI (or another European approval authority).

  • Trailers designed and constructed to be towed exclusively by agricultural tractors or trailers designed and constructed exclusively for use by the Defence Forces, Civil defence, Garda Síochána or Fire services

a type approval certificate is not required however it remains the legal responsibility of all vehicle owners to ensure that any vehicle used in a public place complies with the relevant Road Traffic legislation

In order to have a trailer in these categories registered / licensed the vehicle owner must present the following documentation to the motor taxation office:

  • Form TF100 which contains the name and address of the trailer owner and certain characteristics of the trailer.
  • Form TF300B. This form must be completed by the manufacturer or where the manufacturer cannot be contacted the form must be completed by an Approved Test Centre (ATC) of the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI).
  • Fee of €60.00

Requirements for Heavy Goods Trailers following first licensing

Annual Licensing

It is a legal requirement that heavy goods trailers are licensed annually at your local motor tax office. There is no fee to renew the license and the period of license is 12 months. The owner should submit a form TF100 together with the license card and a valid certificate of roadworthiness.

Modified Trailers

Where a trailer that has already been licensed is subsequently modified in respect of any details contained on the original form TF300A / B, then a new Form TF300B must be completed and forwarded to the licensing authority, together with the Trailer License Card.

The licensing authority will then make any necessary amendments on the license card and return it to the owner.

Change of Particulars

Where the details of the owner have changed e.g. address, Form TF100 together with the License Card must be forwarded to the licensing authority who will make the necessary amendments.

Notification of Sale

When a trailer is sold, the Form TF200 (notification of trailer ownership) shall be completed by both the buyer and the seller and submitted along with the Trailer license card to the motor tax office who will then issue a replacement license card to the new owner.

Scrapped / Destroyed / Exported Trailers

The owner is required to notify the council motor tax office in writing and surrender the license card for the trailer.

Replacement Trailer Licensing Card

Where a replacement licensing card is required, the owner should submit form RF134 to the council motor tax office with a fee of €6; the motor tax office will then issue a new licensing card.


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