- Review the historic development of Kells.
- Review present-day heritage assets including historic routes, places and buildings.
- Policy review based on existing planning and other relevant policy documents.
- Review the social economic context, resident population, visitors from public domain sources and information provided by the Council.
- Review tourism opportunities, art and culture, and the existing events calendar.
- Understand the business base, employers, sectors, competitive advantages, visitors, tourism attractions and opportunities.
- Carry out an appraisal of connectivity and movement patterns of pedestrians, cyclist and vehicles, reflecting different functions of urban areas (e.g. visitor, resident, worker, shopper etc).
- Consider approaches to how land use and property, derelict and vacant properties can be unlocked and/or developed and improved.
- Review land and property use.
- Carry out an appraisal of public realm quality (placemaking success, linkages, distinctiveness, materials etc).
- Identify opportunities for change including development and redevelopment opportunities as well as new and enhanced connections.
2. Plan Progress and Updates
Plan Process for the Kells Public Realm Strategy. We are currently at Stage 2.
Plan Update- December 2023
Initial draft proposals and concepts to be included in the Plan were prepared by the Project Team. These proposals were presented and discussed at the 2 no. public consultation events in Kells MD Offices. The outcome of the public consultation events and surveys resulted in the need for additional data gathering regarding traffic movements, pedestrian travel patterns and car parking usage. This work will commence in 2024.