Cycle Locking Poster Campaign Launched in County Meath


Cycle Locking Poster Campaign Launched in County Meath

St. Patrick's Classical School Launch Poster Campaign

Garda Crime Prevention Officer for Meath, Sergeant Dean Kerins, supports the continued increase of bicycle use in County Meath. “Targeting bike theft is a three pronged approach: education, security and enforcement. This poster campaign will inform bicycle users on crime prevention through highlighting the need to invest in high quality locks and how to lock their bicycle securely at all times. Meath County Council and An Garda Síochána recognise the need to promote education on this subject and view it as being central to keeping property safe. We in An Garda Síochána continue to focus on bicycle theft with targeted intelligence led and modern enforcement activity.”

Meath County Council’s Road Safety Officer, Michael Finnegan, says that “With the increase in numbers of cyclists in County Meath in recent years, potential bike theft has become a more concerning issue for bicycle owners. Meath County Council is happy to collaborate with key stakeholders in a joint effort to address bicycle theft in a targeted way. The use of higher quality locks by cyclists and a secure method of locking is likely to result in the most significant positive impact on theft numbers in the short term, and this poster initiative is focused on the delivery of that key objective.

A spokesperson from the Council’s Transportation Department, Cormac Ross, says that “the Council’s investment in cycle related infrastructure and projects is set to continue, and the promotion of safe cycling and bicycle security is part of our focus to increase the number of cyclists in the County and to reduce dependence on private car use.”