Ciorcal Comhrá - Irish Conversation Circle


Ciorcal Comhrá - Irish Conversation Circle

Gach Máirt ag 11 r.n.

Tá Ciorcail Comhrá ar siúl gach maidin Máirt i Leabharlann na Bothar Bui  ag 11:00 r.n.

Bí Linn!  Má tá tú líofa nó má tá cúpla focal agat, cuirfear fáilte mhór romhat

Tuilleadh eolas

An Irish Language Conversation Group meets every Tuesday morning in Enfield Library at 11.00 am.

New members are always welcome.  And whether you're fluent or just have a few words and want to improve you'll be welcome.  

For more information contact 

Irish conversation group in Enfield library